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Department of Chemistry

Greta Patzke wins the Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching 2017

"Chemistry is my mission" says Greta Patzke. And she knows how to convey her enthusiasm to her students and how to inspire them to work on their' own. That is why the UZH awarded Greta Patzke with the Lehrpreis 2017.


The Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching was granted for the first time in 2007. The award is designed to highlight what makes teaching effective and is awarded each year on the basis of a different aspect of excellence in teaching. The way, how Greta Patzke teaches and the way, how she shows her enthusiasm and her passion for chemistry persuaded her students. She manages to stimulate the students to ask questions beyond the subject material, to link the different subject material and to connect them with economical and political facts.

Lehrpreis der Universität Zürich 2017 (Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching)

"Die Chemie ist meine Mission"



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Video zum Lehrpreis 2017

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